advising, consulting, networking in Central Asia
FBG consultants LLC is an independed consulting company was established in 2008. FBG consultants is providing professional services of consulting, project management, social development, infrastructure, statistic, regional development, infrastructure development, agriculture and rural development, legal, environmental management, researches and etc.
Our team is consisting of experienced managers who well know the Central Asia region. FBG Consultants has demonstrated the company’s capacity to offer the comprehensive and efficient solutions to meet the client and partner needs. Moreover, we are carrying out of projects in Central Asia.
Our goal is to become an efficient consulting firm in Central Asia by providing high quality professional services to our clients, in accordance with international quality standards.

Sincerely yours,
FBG Consultants

Hear It From Our Customers

  • Steven Meyers

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam fermentum luctus lacinia. Integer rhoncus vehicula nulla. Aliquam adipiscing egestas leo ut bibendum. Duis et erat aliquam, condimentum nibh nec, faucibus dolor. Sed sollicitudin aliquam augue, sit amet sollicitudin magna rutrum ac. Fusce non blandit est, in placerat nibh. Suspendisse potenti. Integer et diam eu elit tristique sodales et id odio. vehicula ipsum.
  • Kelly Andrews

    Sed commodo ligula ac mauris laoreet varius non eu sapien. Pellentesque sagittis ligula ac turpis consequat eleifend. In velit orci, viverra in nunc et, feugiat tempor lectus. Donec non consectetur dui. Nullam pulvinar nisi vel pharetra semper. Fusce consequat ut libero placerat interdum. Donec ultricies lorem libero, id porta orci pretium gravida. Integer sed lorem malesuada velit rhoncus ullamcorper.

Database of experts

A database of international and regional experts with experience in international development projects, which allows synthesize bilateral experience to solve tasks in a truly effective manner.


Close relationships with strategic partners in various local, regional and international countries and organizations.


Primary operations located in Central Asia and the implementation of projects in various sectors of the economy. Constant follow up of the development process in each separate country, and the region as a whole. The development of an individual evaluation approach to projects, whilst at the same time taking into consideration the overall economic trends and impact.


A high standard of quality and services are maintained, and experience and expertise assured in accordance with the requirements of the client.

Our Business Hours

We are here to serve you during the following business hours:

Monday to Friday: 9am to 6pm
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
Phone: + 996 771 0 8888 2

Contact Us Today
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